Saturday, November 14, 2009

Voting: Talk It Out, Use Your Words

(Another few paragraphs back from the election... when we pretended to care about politics.)

It is generally considered taboo in (white) American society to discuss or inquire about the voting habits of all but our closest and must trusted company. This guideline, like so many others, isn’t designed to protect us from political discussion, but rather to protect us from the extremist idiots in our midst. Some people can’t handle the fact that others have different beliefs than them. These judgmental folk tend to drastically alter their opinion of someone based on whether or not that person supports or opposes abortion or how aggressively they want to shut down our borders. Thankfully, most people are more than capable of handling adult political discussion but, as per usual, a few immature nutjob extremists have to go and ruin it for the rest of us. I think the whole voting taboo is cowardly and it ultimately stifles intelligent political discussion between peers.

In spite of our natural disinclination toward discussing politics, some among us still feel the need to make their political views known to the rest of the world… even though the rest of the world doesn’t often care. This used to cause conflict and strife between those just itching to unleash their political genius on the world and those who could care less. And then someone invented the blog…


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