Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Who Killed Bodie?

A guest entry by Drew Ludeke...

Reason Mike did kill Bodie:

Two scenes before Bodie's demise, Marlo, after being informed that Bodie was a snitch my Monk, tells Chris, "We need to send a message, maybe give it to your pup, give him something to get started."

Reason Mike didn't kill Bodie:

Chris responds, saying that Mike worked for Bodie and it would be his first time killing someone that he knew.

After these words are spoke, Chris and Marlo exchange a slight nod with one another that is extremely difficult to read (but is also excellently acted)

In addition, repeated reviews of the video evidence of the shooting is hard to determine if it is Michael or not (almost as if done on purpose), the shooter has similar facial features but is neither the height nor build of Michael but is only seen clearly on two wide shots. Furthermore, the puffy jacket and hoodie as well has the lighting in the scene make it impossible to determine if it is or isn't Michael. Granted, I was using slow motion on a VCR, not blowing the image up in Avid.

Reason Mike didn't kill Bodie:
The next day, Marlo, Chris and Snoop visit Mike to tell him that he is getting Bodie's corner and Mike acts neither proud or upset about the news, although Mike barely registers any emotion as it is so that one's a toss up but more in the negative.

Reason Mike did kill Bodie:
The final scene of the season before the season 4 final montage is Mike shooting some random guy on a corner point blank in the face. When he gets in the getaway car driven by Chris, Chris tells him he can look them in the face now, it doesn't matter who they are. I always took this as a comment on him shooting Bodie in the back of the head without looking at him straight on.

While this question isn't one of those great cinematic dilemmas like in Chinatown, was Faye Dunaway's character raped or did she willingly have sex with her father, it certainly is a good debate for all Wire fans. What it comes down to is this, in the synopsis for the episode on both hbo.com and wikipedia, it says that Bodie is killed by O-Dog which I thought was merely Mike's street alias or used simply so it doesn't spoil the shock for someone who hasn't seen the episode since I assumed it had been Michael for about two years now. But David Simon controls every single aspect of this show from the jump and if someone on hbo's own website had a detail wrong, he would undoubtedly correct it so therefore due to this and the other facts, Michael did not kill Bodie. In fact, although you never blatantly see his face, O-Dog is most likely another of Chris' pups who I believe is always getting ragged on in the fourth and fifth seasons, and in particular gets shot in the leg by Omar during the apartment shoot-out and then is ordered to take the gun charges off of Chris and Snoop before everything blows up in the fifth season. (He's also the guy who asks to do a west coast drive-by hit that doesn't go well). So yeah, I'm an idiot, enjoy your 20 bucks, dick.